Halperns’ Offers Poultry from Recipient of Superior Animal Welfare Practices, Joyce Foods

Halperns’, Purveyors of Steak and Seafood, is proud to announce that the company carries products from Joyce Foods, a specialty producer of all-natural poultry and game that just received a 99.6% score on a recent Animal Welfare audit conducted by The Steritech Group, an independent third party auditing firm approved by Whole Foods Markets and other responsible food service companies.

“At Joyce Foods we strive every day to consistently produce unique poultry and game products of superior culinary qualities, while paying strict attention to food safety, sanitation, animal welfare and the environment,” says Joyce Foods President Ron Joyce. “We achieved a Superior rating in Good Manufacturing Practices, and we believe our Animal Welfare Practices score is the highest ever achieved by a poultry processor,” he adds.

The Good Manufacturing Practices cover all of the Tanglewood Farms and Epicure Reserve products from Joyce Foods that Halperns’ sells. The Animal Welfare Practices cover Joyce Foods’ Epicure Reserve products, also sold by Halperns’, which includes chicken, poussin, French guinea and pheasant.

“These birds are humanely raised on our farms in houses that provide natural sunlight and ventilation, as well as two to three times the space of commercial chickens,” says Joyce. “Strict attention is paid to the catching, loading and transporting of our birds, and our process insures the humane slaughter of each one.”

Halperns’ sources and inventories the finest selection of poultry items, from traditional to all natural and even organic selections. The company offers a variety of the highest quality chicken, turkey and duck products as well as specialty game birds. This category is considered a higher profit source for many operators, while offering a very creative avenue to chefs.

Halperns’ is committed to providing the finest quality in a timely manner to foodservice operators who demand the best. The company’s 110,000-square-foot facility combines cutting-edge information systems and custom distribution practices designed to optimize food safety, precision cutting and inventory management.